The entire Catholic Church is called to participate in the upcoming Synod of Bishops! The Synod is entitled: “For a Synodal Church: COMMUNION, PARTICIPATE, and MISSION.” Synod is a Greek word (synodos) meaning a meeting or assembly. The two Greek words that make up Synod are syn meaning together and hodos meaning way of journey. Pope Francis has called the entire People of God to journey together! This Synod is a process of journeying together. As the Church, we will listen to each other, dialogue with each other, pray together, discern together and make decisions together for the purpose of proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world!
¡Toda la Iglesia Católica está llamada a participar en el próximo Sínodo de Obispos! El próximo Sínodo se titula: “Por una Iglesia sinodal: Comunión, participación y misión”. Sínodo es una palabra griega (synodos) que significa reunion o asamblea. ¡El Papa Francisco ha llamado a todo el Pueblo de Dios a caminar juntos! Como Iglesia, nos escucharemos unos con otros, dialogaremos, oraremos juntos, ¡discerniremos juntos y tomaremos decisiones juntos con el propósito de proclamar el Evangelio de Jesucristo al mundo!
St. Joseph held meetings for all parishioners; members of the church came together and discussed our faith, Catholicism, and the Church as part of the Synod process. These meetings gave parishioners an opportunity to voice their opinions of the Church and how it is doing. Discussions involved: what is working in the Church and what is not; what improvements or changes might be needed; how can we keep baptized members from leaving the church; how can we better evangelize; how can we grow the church in the Holy Spirit; and much much more.
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