The Marian Cenacle is a prayer group open to all parishioners!
The Cenacle Ministry Objectives:
- To serve the parish with in-home Rosaries for the homebound/families.
- To serve the sick and dying through group Divine Mercy Chaplet prayers.
- To mentor the girls of our parish through *The Daughters of Mary.
- To serve other prayer needs/petitions of our parish.
The Cenacle meets weekly on Thursday mornings after the 8 a.m. Mass. Every week the Cenacle members attend Mass, say a Rosary, and then meet for spiritual development and prayer in the Religious Education Building, ending at 10:30 a.m.

*The Daughters of Mary is open to all girls in our parish, from post 1st Communion through 12th grade, and their parents. They meet on the first Saturday of each month from 10:30 to 11:30 AM in the Educational Building. The mission of this ministry is: To build young girls of faith by serving our Lord through their service to the Church as Junior Sacristans, following in the footsteps of Our Blessed Mother, the hand-maid of the Lord.
For more information or to join The Marion Cenacle or The Daughters of Mary ministries please contact the church office: 512-446-2049