What is a Quinceanera?
The Quinceañera (meaning “one who is 15”) began as a tradition in the Americas, particularly in Mexico, Central and South America. It is also frequently celebrated by Hispanic Catholics in the dioceses of the United States of America. A Quinceanera is a coming-of-age ritual where a young girl renews her baptismal promises and is presented to her community as a young lady, the term also refers to the young girl who is being celebrated. A traditional Quinceanera takes place around the girl’s 15th birthday at a Mass, whereby the young lady is presented before God and makes a promise to honor herself and her Catholic faith.
St. Joseph Catholic Church in Rockdale requires 6 months notice to schedule a quinceanera. A special class is normally required. Please contact the office at (512) 446-2049 at least 6 months in advance!