Most Meetings and practice dates and times for these ministries can be found on the church CALENDAR.
The lectors at St. Joseph proclaim the Word of God to the congregation at each Mass. They have been called to this special ministry in the Mass, and they follow the USCCB guidelines for lectors. If you feel a calling to join them, see the contact information below.
ENGLISH CONTACT: Pat Barcak – (512) 760-5270
SPANISH CONTACT: Claudia Hernandez – (979) 739-1357

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Those parishioners inspired to become Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion exhibit a great reverence for Jesus in the Eucharist. They play a vital role at Mass by helping to distribute the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. They also visit shut-ins and bring them the Eucharist as well. They follow the USCCB guidelines for EMHC ministers. If you feel a calling to join them, see the contact information below.
ENGLISH CONTACT: Kelley Zapata – (512) 760-6654
SPANISH CONTACT: Claudia Hernandez – (979) 739-1357

Music Ministry
The mission of the Music Ministry at St. Joseph is to lead the congregation in praising God and inspiring our parish community to grow in faith through music.
We invite you to join choir and share your gift of music! See contact information below.
There are 5 choirs at St. Joseph:
- English Sunday Choir (sings at 9:00 AM Mass)
- English Saturday Choir (sings at 5:30 PM Mass)
- Spanish Sunday Choir (sings at 11:30 AM Mass)
- Youth Choir (sings at 9:00 AM Mass on 1st Sundays)
- Children’s Choir (sings at 9:00 AM Mass on 1st Sundays)
During the Youth Masses on the 1st Sundays of each month, the Youth Choir will sing with guitar accompaniment with the Children’s choir providing the song for the Presentation of the Gifts.
The Youth Choir is made up of teens from 7th to 12th grade. All teen members in these grades are invited to join. See the contact information below.
The Children’s Choir welcomes all those children in grades 2nd – 7th. The Choir is looking for new members; previously this choir sang the song for the Presentation of the Gifts at the Youth Mass, once per month. For information on how to sign up for the Children’s Choir, please contact the church office at 512-446-2049.
SPECIAL NOTE: The Children’s Liturgy program is on hold. Previously it occurred during the monthly Youth Mass (1st Sunday of the month, 9 am Mass) for ages 4 through 2nd grade. Children left Mass immediately after the Gospel and went to the Education Building, and return at the end of Communion. They were taught a special lesson on their level pertaining to the Mass. If this program is re-introduced, it will be announced at this Mass.

Our ushers at St. Joseph in Rockdale are usually the first people that someone sees as they come to the church for Mass. They are very welcoming and friendly, and we are proud to have them as the face of our parish. The ushers also play a part in security and safety at Mass. If you would like to join with them see the contact information below.

CONTACT: Maria Santellano – (254) 760-0568
Altar Servers
Altar servers play a key role at Mass helping the priest celebrate by performing essential duties. To be an altar server you must have made your First Communion, and you must attend special training. Serving is not limited to the very young. St. Joseph has had altar servers ranging from seven to seventy. If you or your child are interested in becoming an altar server, see the contact information below.