Austin Diocese Pastoral Manual

Pastoral Council

Currently the Pastoral Council normally meets once per month at 7:00 pm. Check the calendar to find out when the Pastoral Council is scheduled to meet next. The Council is transitioning to new membership according to recently adopted by-laws. This page will be updated as soon as the transition is complete.

The Purpose and Scope of the Parish Pastoral Council

The Pastoral Council of St. Joseph in Rockdale functions in a manner consistent with the parish pastoral council norms of the Diocese of Austin.  If there are questions, the pastoral council norms of the Diocese of Austin shall take precedence.  The St. Joseph Parish Council is a representative body of the faithful whose focus is on the whole community, and has a consultative responsibility to the pastor.  The Council is called upon to reflect both the “signs of the times” and “the wisdom of the past” to those planning and implementing pastoral activities in the parish.  Further, the Council is called to unite the parish community by expressing its collective wisdom concerning pastoral plans and activities.  The Council will strive to ensure that the parish operates in an open and ethically accountable manner in its business practices.  The Council exists to support the pastor and deacon, to respond to their questions, and to offer the best consultation possible, while representing the parish community of St. Joseph.

Meeting Minutes – January 7, 2025

Pastoral Council By-Laws – Effective January 4, 2025

Finance Council

The Finance Council normally meets once per quarter. Check the calendar to find out when the Finance Council is scheduled to meet next.

Purpose and Scope of the Parish Finance Council

The 1983 Code of Canon Law introduced a new and separate consultative body to parish life.  Each parish is to have a Finance Council which is governed, in addition to universal law, by norms issued by the diocesan Bishop.  The purpose of the Finance Council is to provide the pastor with a group of Christian faithful who will aid him in the administration of parish goods according to these norms.  The Finance Council is to serve the goals and objectives set forth by the Pastoral Council, both being guided by the mission statement of the parish.  The consultation of the Finance Council is parallel to consultation of the Pastoral Council.  The pastor is the chief governing person and accountable to the Bishop; he must preside at the Finance Council meetings and participate in its activities.